WSZScore Analysis
HTTP Status Code
HTTP Code should be 200. Code received: 0
Total Transfer Time
0.002312 sec
Total time of trasfer should be less than a 500 milliseconds. This trasfer contains only the HTML code excluding images, external css and js files. Transfer time recorded: 0.002312 sec.
DNS Lookup Time
0 sec
Total time of DNS lookup should be less than a 30 milliseconds. Lookup time recorded: 0 sec.
Connection Time
0 sec
Total time before a connection is established should be less than a 10 milliseconds. Connection time recorded: 0 sec.
Start Transfer Time
0 sec
Total time before first byte is transferred should be less than a 100 milliseconds. Start Transfer time recorded: 0 sec
Redirect Time
0 sec
Time in seconds of all redirection steps before final transaction was started
Document Retrieve Time
-1 sec
Remote time of the retrieved document, if -1 is returned the time of the document is unknown
Pre Transfer Time
0 sec
Time in seconds from start until just before file transfer begins.
Upload Size
0 bytes
Total number of bytes uploaded.
Download Size
0 bytes
Total number of bytes downloaded.
Effective URL
URL effected or used in the last CURL transfer.
Download Speed
0 bytes/sec
Average download speed.
Upload Speed
0 bytes/sec
Average upload speed.
Header Size
0 bytes
Total size of all headers received.
Request Size
0 bytes
Total size of issued requests, currently only for HTTP request.
Content Length Downloaded
-1 bytes
content-length of download, read from Content-Length: field.
Content Length Uploaded
-1 bytes
Specified size of upload.
Content Type
Content-Type: of downloaded object, NULL indicates server did not send valid Content-Type: header